
What can two one-year-olds do?

*Hide the remote control *Call Hong Kong *Empty your bag or drawer in record time *Explore every nook and cranny of your house - even the ones you forgot about *Help you unload the dishwasher - yep, the big knives too *Visit you while you are meditating on the pot *Sweep and eat remains off of your kitchen floor *Deliver the nastiest surprises that reek like nothing else *Talk in a foreign language - including sign language **But best of all, they give you sweet slobbery kisses, share their cheerios, and invite you to giggle and laugh at all the funny things they do ***Their smiles and special expressions are priceless ~in honor of Jordan and Owen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Em,

I am so tempted to send Sam to visit you all and add to the chaos. I havent seen Jordan in a while, but I got to enjoy Owens antics in Maui. My son is a small tank and is partial to dunking toothbrushes in toilets. Have a fabulous weekend. Hugs Owen & Jordan (their respective parents) and Kimber and Ben. God Bless,Deidre