First some more pics! My mom and i in my new dorm room - we are called the Davis Lambs. Next, i got to ride in a Hummer! Very nice ride. And finally my cute nephew Jordan in his sweet ride!
Well, they definitely keep you busy. Last monday i started cross country - running, swimming, and lifting. Last thursday, the other freshmen arrived (about 350 boys and maybe 50 girls)! Everyone is pretty friendly and welcoming. So far we have done those fun "getting to know you" games, indoor picnic, community service at a nursing home where we got to play BINGO!!, watched a drama team perform, had a floor meeting to get to know each other, desserts, and today i went to church with some girls on my floor - and enjoyed it. Tonight i'll have sub sandwiches and then dessert at my mentor's house with my cornerstone group - its a class i'll be taking this fall - teach you the skills to make it thru college, and have us decide what we believe for ourselves. Friday i got to register for classes. i'm taking 17 credits along with cross country. so i'll definitely need your prayers - as always :0) Last night we had a major storm - lots of loud crackling thunder, flashes of lightening, and huge drops of rain. I was soaked in a matter of seconds as a chose to walk out the door after hearing a warning not to go outside :o) So anyways this fall i'll be taking my ground school and flight lab! exciting. Some of the girls are watching Princess Diaries 2 down in the lobby - i think i'll go check out since i have free time.